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Employee Childcare: A Win-Win for All Involved

Rhonda Clark, TCC Chief Empowerment Officer

Employee childcare is a benefit provided by employers to help working parents balance their work and family responsibilities. It can take many forms, including on-site childcare centers, subsidies for childcare expenses, and flexible work arrangements that allow parents to work from home or adjust their schedules to accommodate their childcare needs.

The provision of employee childcare has significant benefits: it can help improve employee retention, reduce absenteeism, and increase productivity. When parents have access to quality childcare, they are less likely to miss work due to childcare-related issues, which can result in improved attendance and performance. Additionally, parents who feel supported by their employer are more likely to stay with the company long-term.

Here are some statistics that highlight the importance of employee childcare:

- According to a study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, parents who have access to on-site childcare are less likely to quit their jobs than parents who do not have access to on-site childcare.

- A survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 91% of employers offer some type of child care assistance to their employees, with on-site childcare being the most common offering.

- The same survey found that 63% of employers reported that offering child care assistance improved employee morale and 58% reported that it improved employee retention.

- A study by the National Women's Law Center found that working parents who do not have access to affordable childcare are more likely to experience job loss, reduced work hours, and decreased earnings.

- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation reports that the lack of affordable childcare costs the U.S. economy $57 billion annually in lost earnings, productivity, and revenue.

Though more businesses are starting to offer childcare on site and better options for parents trying to balance work and family, the reality is that more needs to be done. We believe that employers have a role to play in addressing the current child care crisis, and that's especially true as the nature of work and family continues to change. Providing childcare has become a priority for more employees, and having options to access it fosters a culture of empowerment and inclusion -- a definite win/win.


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